Dear Customer,
Regarding the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), my post today is to inform you of the steps we are taking to decrease the spread and minimise the impact of COVID-19 in our workplace.
• All staff members have their own personal alcohol based sanitiser and extra soap products have been supplied around the work place
• Additional hand sanitisers have been placed around the workplace, especially in washrooms, kitchens and reception areas
• Posters have been displayed to remind everybody of the importance of hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
• Surfaces are being cleaned 50% more than on a usual basis with additional disinfection to all areas
• Disposable wipes are being provided around the work place to be used on common surfaces such as door knobs, light switches, control panels, desks, keyboards etc and are being wiped down by each employee before each use
• Disposable gloves and extra tissues are being provided and all staff are required to use these products
• We are encouraging regular cleaning of phones and keyboards, printers etc
• We are currently not allowing any hand shaking within the workplace
• We have cancelled any meetings not deemed necessary and the arrival of personnel on our premises is to be booked in prior to arrival
• We have discussed and emphasized the importance of staying at home if unwell and the isolation period if any staff member shows any symptoms relevant to COVID-19
We will keep all customers updated with regards to the current guidelines and should things have a negative impact on any factor of our business, we will be in touch.
Should you have any further questions or queries about the current situation, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Kind Regards
Newbery recycling